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Sunday, March 18, 2018

Get Connected

Ladies, here is a place we would love to meet.  

This is for ladies of the Church Triumphant to stay connected.  If you are on Facebook, add one of our ladies as a friend and they can invite you in.  Just message us after you have added us as a friend and let us know to add you.  Some of our ladies on Facebook:  Megan Rushing Ali, Ashleigh Clark or myself, Donna Walston Madden

Ladies Friendship Groups

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2017 was a world-wind year with Harvey and many other major events that kept our core leaders in an array of total church involvement. Ladies Friendship Groups were kicked off with a huge bang!  We have the most amazing group of ladies who came forward to lead groups with super creative ideas to share with their group.

As a result of many distractions, our dream of this ministry did not come to its full potential.  But, here is a report of what DID happen.  We had MANY fabulous group meetings with dedicated leaders and co-leaders in place that lead some great friendship group meetings.  Putting all of our efforts together can not be discounted as it was indeed a huge success.  We have gathered great reports of the results.

We want to thank each and every leader who helped to launch these groups and share your hearts, open your homes and meet the needs of the ladies who attended. This year, we will continue with several groups in place.  We will be getting more information to you soon on how you can be a part, who will host, and when and where these meetings will take place.

Friday, June 10, 2016

Spring Banquet 2016

Here is a photo gallery of this year's fabulous banquet.  We will do a separate post on hand outs given for spa recipes and from our speaker, Jan Kilgore Calk Madden.

Our top sellers this year!!  Teresa Kennard and Millie Scott, you did a fabulous job!  Your enthusiasm was contagious.

As guest entered, we enjoyed soothing music.  Then, during our meal, again, our guest harpist serenaded us with beautiful talent.

Part of our stage set depicting a coastal retreat.

 Thank you Pastor Kirt Denney for creating our fabulous back drop for this event.

Our in house floral designer, Beverly Seale created our arrangements.  Gorgeous!

Thank you Valerie and Victoria for collecting tickets and greeting.

Krislyn Glass and Hannah Kennard, hillarious!!!

We created our own fun during the skit scene changes.  And Naomi has some moves.  LOL

This skit was so funny.  We hope to get a copy of the entire skit and post on our blog.  You will enjoy.

Monday, August 17, 2015

Spring Banquet 2015

Color my SEAsons theme was birthed when thinking of the array of ladies that would be present, each lady uniquely in various seasons of their lives. 

Whether your season of life comprised of the young woman entering college or trying to find direction in her life, the young married lady learning to balance home, a new husband and job, the mother balancing so many hats, the empty nester and the aging woman; whatever stage of life we are in, we ALL have a need to find our purpose!

Our speaker, Sis. Edwina Dixon, so powerfully brought to us her burden and addressed to each of us to find our purpose.  Many ladies were touched and our event ended in a powerful prayer.

Using a take on SEAsons, we used the sea theme for our decor on the tables:  driftwood, live plants, sand, shells, custom fish from old wood and painted, candles and sea themed linens.

Thank you Pastor Kirt Denney for implementing our vision for the color card display.

We had an attendance of around 180 ladies!

Our catered food from La Madeline's was wonderful!  Their staff did a great job serving us.

Krislyn Glass and Hannah Madden Kennard did a fabulous skit that went through the stages of the life of a woman.  Hilarious, but so true!

Lori Adame and Teresa Kennard.  Teresa headed up our decor committee.  Fabulous work, Teresa!! ...and your team.

This was our announcement in the foyer announcing our event, by Donna Madden.

Cheryl Piver helping us Friday night.

Thank you "Frontline" men for your help.  We could not have made it without you.  Thank you Steve Kennard and Joe Hennigan for your work of excellence!

Jennie Stephens helping with the table set up and more!

Agenda  Ladies Spring Banquet, “Color My Seasons”
Welcome – Kimberly Sciscoe
Ice Breaker – Shelly Toney
Prayer – Joan Glass
Order of Tables – Jonathan Denney
Lunch by La Madeline
Announcement and Greeting – Donna Madden
·       Connect Cards
·       Twice Loved
·       Smocks of Love- Eunice Van Pelt
·       Ladies Prayer Meetings - Millie Scott
·       Newsletter Copies Available
Song – Jonathan & Keagan Denney
Skit – Hannah Kennard & Krislyn Glass
Song – Pam Denney
Introduce Speaker – Kimberly Sciscoe
Speaker – Edwina Dixon
Closing Music – Pam Denney
Door Prizes – Joyce Morgan

Special Thanks to Committee Members & their teams:
Donna Madden & Kimberly Sciscoe
Tersasa Kennard
Lily Lopez
Joyce Morgan
Crystal Dehoyos

If you have photos we did not get to include, please email to